Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Stay Out Of The Deep End

I've recently fallen in with a bad crowd. I've joined a bike gang called Hammer & Cycle. We like to ride the streets of Vegas and cause mayhem. My fellow photographer Sexy Rick is to blame . He joined first then invited me on a ride one night. My girlfriend and I were hooked immediately. We try to make it to every ride and event now. This past Saturday Hammer & Cycle had its Spring Nationals. We all met up at Sunset Park and had all kinds of races. Did I mention that we all ride cruisers, low riders, and choppers? Let me tell you a drag race with dropped stretched bikes is pretty awesome to watch. Spring Nationals was a great sucess. After the park some of us went to Amanda's house for a nice little after party. Her house is amazing and lucky for us the pool was empty. Being a bike gang we had to sweep the pool and see if someone would ride it. Maybe it was all the PBR throughout the day, there was no shortage of volunteers. While shooting riders I looked up at the crowd gathered around watching the fun and saw this awesome group shot. It's a small slice of the Hammer & Cycle crew. If you see us on the road give us space. Slowly but surely we are taking over the Vegas streets.

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